Good day fellow Jet Boat enthusiasts,
During the process of producing the original comparisons between Yamaha boats and how they have evolved over the years, we were asked to do the same comparisons between Yamaha boats and their competition. That sounded like a great idea as we did not know if Yamaha really did have as much space as people think they have (when compared to their competition). This article should help you visualize, in vivid color, how Yamaha boats really give you more for your money!
One thing we were not really familiar with, since we are not in the Sea Ray or Chapparal or Four Winns business, is that there really is a drastic and might I even say expansive price gap between Yamaha's flagship 242 Limited S and the nearest competitor in this article, the Four Winns SL 242. We're not talking hundreds of dollars, or even thousands of dollars, but tens of thousands of dollars separate the two, and that is for the boat nearest Yamaha in this comparison. Sea Ray, which I might add, has the very smallest usable bow seating area and cockpit seating area is, according to our research, over $27,000 higher than the Yamaha! That's 50% more!
We have not done the research on Sea Ray as we have done with Yamaha, specifically on how these boats have evolved over the years, but we can tell you what we do know. Yamaha has made change after change in their hull designs and each time, getting better and better. Do you want to know why they are in the lead by such a strong margin? One element of that is called change! You don't just sit on an idea that works today and expect tomorrow to yield the same results. People change, needs change. We all get better every day of our lives in our respective duties or hobbies, etc. Why should a boat manufacturer be any different? Well Yamaha Boats have made it abundantly clear that they will pursue change and here are some illustrations of how they're changing the industry one boat at a time.

In the above images you will see Yamaha's 2013 242 Limited S and the three major competitors offerings (most near to Yamaha's target market). Each boat is in the 23'-24' category. Each boat is 8'6" inches wide. Images are from left to right, from longest to shortest, but the size of the boat does not necessarily dictate the size of the seating area. As you will see in the illustrations above, Yamaha, and their award winning design team have maximized the available seating in the bow and cockpit area and have one upped their competitors, all while doing it for less.
When asking yourself "How is it that Yamaha boats are the best selling brand in the business and have been since 2009? It all boils down to "most bang for your buck"! If I'm Mr. Joe customer out looking for a boat to spend time with family and friends, the Yamaha is where I'd put my money.
Let's assume for a second that this available space area was the only key area where Yamaha had a leg up on the competition. With the tremendous price differential plus the additional usable space where you need it, one could make a case where Yamaha would be able to sell more boats than the other guys on those merits alone. Now, add back to the equation the fact that they have twin engines (peace of mind), direct drive (low maintenance), no exposed prop (safety), tons of extras at no additional charge (value), Yamaha marine engines (reliability) and one of the best looking boats possibly anywhere ('nuf said), you can see how Yamaha is actually revolutionizing the boat business as we know it.
Word to the wise.If you're in the market for a boat, do your research. Then, go buy a Yamaha boat! You will love it, your family will love you for it and you will have peace of mind knowing that you got the most out of your hard earned dollar!